
DM Gus, Board Game Guru:
Professional DM Services

Interested in playing D&D or some other tabletop RPG but you and your friends don’t have an experienced DM to run the game for you?

A professional DM is the perfect solution for a well organized session to learn a new system or run a campaign with a small group of friends.

Gus has been a Dungeon Master, Game Master and Storyteller in various RPG systems since 1996. He will plan, organize and run your game night using a digital tabletop which provides maps, artwork, characters and dice rolling while maintaining social distancing and allowing for a group of players that can’t meet in person.

Systems Banner


Dungeons & Dragons, TSR/Wizards of the Coast
AD&D (2E), 3E, 3.5E, 4E, 5E (Current)

Pathfinder, Paizo
1st, 2nd (Current)

Starfinder, Paizo
1st (Current)

Warhammer Fantasy, Cubicle 7
2nd (Current)

World of Darkness, White Wolf/Paradox Interactive
Vampire the Masquerade (Modiphius Entertainment)
Revised, 20th Anniversary, 5th (Current)
Werewolf the Apocalypse (Hunters Entertainment)
Revised, 20th Anniversary, 5th (Coming Soon)

Anthropomorphic Fantasy Roleplay, Sanguine Games
Legacy (1st), Second Edition (Current)
Legacy (1st), (Note: Current edition incorporated into Ironclaw as Book of Jade supplement)

Systems Banner

Special Requests

Starfinder, Paizo
1st, 2nd (Current)

Star Wars Roleplaying Game, Fantasy Flight
The Force Awakens (Beginner Game), Age of Rebellion, Edge of the Empire, Force and Destiny

Call of Cthulhu, Chaosium
7th (Current)

Mutants & Masterminds, Green Ronin
3rd (Current)

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, Games Workshop/Cubicle 7
4E (Current)

Savage Worlds, Pinnacle Entertainment
Adventure Edition, Deadlands: Reloaded, East Texas University

Cyberpunk, R. Talsorian Games
Red (Current)

FATE, Evil Hat Productions
Core (4th), Accelerated

Shadow of the Demon Lord, Schwalb Entertainment

Paranoia, Mongoose Publishing

d20 Modern, Wizards of the Coast

Pricing Banner

Virtual Tabletop

Fantasy Grounds

Fantasy Grounds is a third-party desktop program to host the table and source materials. The DM will host a table utilizing the a cloud-based server while the Players will connect using free demo copies of Fantasy Grounds.
Applicable source material will be available for player reference within this software.
A tutorial for how to use the program is available by request during session zero.

Fantasy Grounds Unity

Players will connect to the server using Free Demo copies of Fantasy Grounds Unity. Download your free copy below:

Download for Windows
Download for Mac
Download for Linux

Please be advised: Mobile devices (Android, iPhones, iPads, etc) are not compatible with this program.

Why Not Roll20?


Roll20 is a Virtual Tabletop alternative similar to Fantasy Grounds. Unlike Fantasy Grounds, it runs in a web browser rather than as a separate program and has compatibility for mobile devices like Android, iPhones and iPads. It also has an included Voice and Video element.
Regrettably, Roll20 is a subscription based service for both DMs and Players. Out of the players' best interest, Gus utilizes Fantasy Grounds to save his players money and simplify the gaming experience.
For free, Fantasy Grounds can:
-Export Character Sheets
-Utilize Unlimited Storage Space
-Create Line of Sight on Maps
-Showcase Dynamic Lighting
-...and more

Voice Communication

Download for Linux

Voice communication will be available over Discord. All members of the party should have access to discord for the duration of the session.

Pricing Banner


Standard Session fee:
$25/person, $5/person Deposit
“Standard Sessions” are roughly 4-hours in length.

Special pricing:
Session Zero fee:
$5/person, $0/person deposit
“Sessions Zero” is an introductory meeting between 1-2 hours where the DM assists in character creation, world building and answers general questions. The DM will gauge the level of players’ experience along with their expectations and wants for the upcoming campaign.

Deposits are non-refundable.
Cancelled sessions may be rescheduled within 30 days for no additional fee.
Please allow 1-2 weeks notice in advance of scheduling for necessary prep work.

Pricing Banner


"Gus has been an awesome DM! Most of our group are brand new players, and he’s super patient with us and always happy to explain things. He walked us through everything, including creating our characters. We’ve had tons of fun thanks to him!"
-Audrey; Ashland, KY

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Please email Gus for interest and scheduling requests.

Schedules are published on Gyld: